• Insert Tab MS-Word Tutorial

    Reporter: Adhyan Guruji
    Published: Sunday, September 27, 2020
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    •             Pages


    Section used for creating stylish cover page adds in document or page break easily.

     o   Cover Page We can add a full cover page any section on the document with a title, author, date, and other information about our document. Using save the selection to cover page gallery we can add cover pages and modify or remove them easily.

    o   Blank Page if we want to wrap our text into another page with one blank page we need to add the blank page command.

    o   Page Break (Ctrl+ Enter) insert a new blank page in the document it goes next page without press enters a command.


    •     Table

     In Table , Select boxes for create Rows and Column , Maximum 10 column and 8 Rows can create using boxes , and with Insert table command we can create maximum 63 column and 32767 Rows in single document. Draw table use for custom table e.g. for bill and any other table related drawing. There is many other option after create a table some as follows:

    o   Different table style with a border or no border design

    o   Using draw table and erase, customize table easily

    o   We can arrange table data in Ascending/Descending order

    o   Simple the calculation formula for Sum. Average can apply using (Ctrl+F9) apply formula and run formula by F9 Key

    o   Table data alignment , Cell Margin, Autofit our table data

    o   Merge cells convert the column into a single cell

    o   Re-assigne column the width and row height

    o   Split table any position that conver our table into multiple tables.

    •              Illustration

    o   Picture Picture Command is used for place images from the computer drive into the document and Format Tab open for picture setting. Using the Format tab we can adjust our picture for the following points

      Remove the Background area.

      Correction picture colors (Brightness and contrast)

    -  Add artistically effect on picture/picture effect (Shadow/ Reflection / glow…)

    - Add Picture border / Picture layout (Title Apply) / Position of the picture and how to adjust text using wrap Text command. Wrap on the picture can easily move pictures anywhere if the image locked (not move).

    Crop Picture / Resize picture / Picture orientation

    o   Online Picture – Use to insert any picture online (Internet must be connected for this command)

    o   Shape we can insert the readymade shapes into our document. E.g. Arrow shape, flow chart, starts, and banner, etc… when we draw shape on documents its related Format tab open for shape setting. Using the Format the tab we can adjust our Shape fill, Shape outline color, and apply differently shape effects with Format Tab.

    o   Smart Art – Represent our work with Diagram (different style List, Process, hierarchy etc…). Design Tab helps us to manage our diagram color, Layout, add shape if needed, and different Smart art Style for manage our diagram.    

    o   Chart – Chart helps us to show our table data in different chart style, Chart can be created in Column Type, Bar Type, Line Type, and many other available. Design and Format tab open while any chart design. With the help of Design Tab command we can Do

               - Different chart style
    - Switch data in Row to Column
     -  Select Data (Range – How much data show in Chart Area)
    - Edit our Table data (Add / Delete) more row and column, Automatically adjusted in the chart
    - Add Different chart Elements and change the chart type easily

    o   Screenshot it helps us to add a snapshot of an active window into the current document.

    •              Links

    Links section helps us to create links between document and any other web address.

    o   Bookmark (Ctrl+ Shift + F5)Bookmark is a specified location in our document which is created after place a cursor or selection of text in the document. It works with a hyperlink to show the current location of the bookmark, it can be modify or delete.

    o   Hyperlink (Ctrl+ K) - This command provides the facility to link any bookmark (firstly create bookmark), document or any other web address (website link). Hyperlink open the link with Ctrl+ Mouse Click.


    •      Cross Reference – Cross  reference is auto-linked of heading , bookmark, table, or any other caption create, place a cursor, and insert reference type for link cross-reference.

    •                   Comments / Header and footer


    o   Comments (Ctrl+ Alt + M) - comments is used add a note about any word or para, it can be as a contact number, address or any other note.

    o   Header / footer It helps us to repeat content on every page e.g. Document title, any company name or logo can be a repeat, Header used for declare Top area and Footer for declare bottom area of the document. (Header and footer can apply by double click in the margin area of top and bottom)

    o   Page number – Page number helps us to arrange our document pages, it can be in Number format, alphabet, and roman format. Top of the page apply for the page number in the top area with left, center, and right alignment and same for Bottom of page area alignment.


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