The Keyboard Divided into 5 Parts. Keyboard Contains 102 to 112 Keys
1. Function
Keys (F1 to F12)
= 12 Function Keys
2. Typing
Pad Keys (A to Z with
0 to 9 Digit Keys)
3. Numeric
Pad Keys ( 1 to 10 , Num Lock , + , - , * , / , Enter) set
of 17 Keys
4. Control
Keys ( Direction Arrows = {Left , Down, UP and Right} , Delete
, Insert , Page up , Page Down, Home ,
End, Pause-Break, Control(Ctrl),
Alternate (Alt), Escape (Esc))
5. Special
Purpose Keys (Caps Lock, Num Lock, Tab , Space Bar,
Print Screen, Enter and Shift)
Keyboard Symbols Name
~ |
tilde |
` |
back quote |
! |
exclamation |
@ |
at |
# |
pound/hash |
$ |
dollar |
% |
percent |
^ |
caret |
& |
and/ ampersand |
* |
asterisk |
( ) |
parenthesis |
[ ] |
bracket |
{ } |
curly braces |
- |
minus/ hyphen |
_ |
underscore |
= |
equal |
: |
colon |
; |
semicolon |
/ |
slash/forward slash |
\ |
backslash |
| |
pipe/bar |
+ |
plus |
< |
less than |
> |
greater than |
, |
comma |
. |
period / full stop / dot |
‘ |
apostrophe / single quote |
? |
question mark |
“ |
double quote |
Special Purpose Keys Use
Enter ¿ |
Go to the next Line after press Enter Key |
Space after word e.g. Hello spacebar
students (1 Character Space) |
TAB ↹ |
Maximum space between Word (5 Character Space) / Set Tab |
Shift Ý |
Pressing Shift Key We can Write Upper case Letter or Insert Symbols
Backspace ¬ |
Delete one by one character from left side (If Mistakes in word) |
Window Key used for open Program or Run Program (Using Key + R) |
Scroll Lock |
In Excel, Scroll lock used for Lock Screen and Move page with up/Down
Arrows Keys) |
Print Screen |
Capture screen shot of present screen |
Home |
Go to the beginning of current line (cursor) if used with Ctrl Go to the beginning 1st
line of page |
End |
Go to the end of current line (cursor) if used with Ctrl Go to the end last line of page |
Pageup |
Move page one by one up side |
Page down |
Move page one by one down side |
Insert |
Override the current line (Mostly used in Programming) |
Delete |
Delete one by one character from Right side |
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