• Cash Bank Book in Tally Prime - How to Pass Voucher in Tally Prime

    Reporter: Adhyan Guruji
    Published: Saturday, December 12, 2020
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    Introduction of Vouchers


    ·         Basic Rule for Accounting (Help in Journal Entry)






    (Revenue or Expenses)


         Ãœ  PERSONAL ACCOUNTS– Account which related to persons individual firms or companies etc. debtor or creditor are personal accounts. e.g..


    ·         Firm purchase goods from Ram Narayan

    à(Ram Narayan is sundry creditor) Which Receive amount of purchase goods


    ·         Firm sold good to Divakar

    à(Divakar is a sundry debtor) who pay Amount to the firm


    Ãœ  IMPERSONAL ACCOUNT– Accounts that are not personally such as machinery Account, Cash Account, rent, etc. These can be divided further into two accounts


    ð  Real Account –Real Account which relates to tangible or intangible assets of the firm.

    Tangible e.g.   - Land & Building, Stock, Cash, etc.

    Intangible e.g.  - Goodwill, Trademark, Patents


    ð  Nominal Account- Account which relates to Expenses, Loss, Gain, Revenue, etc. These are salary Account, interest paid, Commission received,s, etc

    ð  Real Account –Real Account which relates to tangible or intangible assets of the firm.

    • Tangible e.g.   - Land & Building, Stock, Cash, etc.
    • Intangible e.g.  - Goodwill, Trademark, Patents


    ð  Nominal Account- Account which relates to Expenses, Loss, Gain, Revenue, etc. These are salary Account, interest paid, Commission receives, etc.

    Ø  Rules For Debit and Credit

    Types of accounts

    Rules of debit

    Rules of credit

    (a)    For Personal Accounts


    Debit the Receiver (Sales)


    Credit the Giver (Purchase)


    (b)   For Real Account

    Debit what comes in

    Credit what goes out

    (c)    For Nominal Account

    Debit all expenses and losses

    Credit all gains and income


    Ø  Journal Entry and Types of Voucher

    Journal Entry is where two or more than the account is treated as Dr. (By) and Cr. (To).

    VOUCHER #1

    §  CONTRA (F4)


    The entry is related to company self-transaction. There is no payment or received comes in Contra voucher. Here is some example of contra voucher.


    Paid cash into bank / Deposit into bank/ cash sent to the bank

    Bank A/c     Dr.

    Cash A/c                      Cr.



    Withdraw from Bank / Withdraw from Bank for Office use / Cash drawn from Bank.

    Cash A/c     Dr.

    Bank A/c          Cr.

    VOUCHER #2

    §  Payment (F5)

    The entry which is related to Payment of any amount (cash or by Cheque) comes under this voucher.


    Paid cash to Kapil / Issue cash in favor of Kapil

    Kapil A/c                      Dr.

    Cash A/c                                  Cr.

    Noteà(Kapil is creditor(लेनदार)who received the money from the company side and cash amount decrease in company current cash balance)


    Paid Rent / Paid Salary / Paid Electric Bill / Paid Wages (Any Exp. Direct/Indirect)

    Rent A/c                      Dr.

    Cash A/c                                  Cr.

    Note à If Payment made by Cheque, We put Bank A/c in Place of Cash A/c, because the deduction from the bank side when payment mode is Cheque)


    Purchase goods by Cheque

    Purchase A/c               Dr.

    Bank A/c                                  Cr.

    Note à if the Product/Item name shows with the purchase then we put the name of an item otherwise in goods purchase we only place (Purchase A/c Dr.)


    Withdraw from Bank for Personal or Private Use.

    Drawing A/c                Dr.

    Bank A/c                                  Cr.

    Note àwhen withdraw Amount for personal or private use, this amount is decreased from the available capital A/c so we place Drawing A/c in Dr. Side when withdrawing for personal or private use.


    VOUCHER #3

    §  Receipt (F6)

    The entry which is related to Receive any amount (cash or by Cheque) comes under this voucher.


    Mr. X commenced business with cash / Mr. X started Business with cash

    Cash A/c                      Dr.

    Capital A/c                              Cr.

    Note à when the owner invest the amount in start business  we pass as capital in Voucher and after invest capital in the business cash A/C balance is available for other transaction e.g. Purchase goods or Pay any Expenses)


    Received cash from Sunil

    Cash A/c                      Dr.

    Sunil A/c                                  Cr.

    Noteà(Sunil is Debtor(देनदार)who paid  the money to the company A/c and cash amount increase in company current cash balance or bank balance  (If received by Cheque))



    Received Commission by Cheque / Interest received on Bank Balance.

    Bank A/c                      Dr.

    Commission Rec A/c               Cr.


    Bank A/c                      Dr.

    Interest Rec A/c                      Cr.


    Received cash for Product sold / cash Sales / Sold goods for cash

    Cash A/c                      Dr.

    Sales A/c                                  Cr.

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