• Auto_Cad Keys

    Reporter: Adhyan Guruji
    Published: Tuesday, October 19, 2021
    A- A+




    ·       Important Functions Key

    F1                                :                       Help

    F2                                :                       Recent key Used

    F3                                :                       Object Snap on / Off

    F4                                :                       3d object snap on/off

    F5                                :                       isometric – isoplane on / off

    F6                                :                       Toggle 3d Snap to plane mode

    F7                                :                       Graph Hide/Show

    F8                                :                       Ortho mode on/off (angle line draw only)

    F9                                :                       Snap mode on/off (line draw grid base corner to corner)

    F10                              :                       Polar Tracking on/off (Add Tracking Setting angles)

    F11                              :                       object snap tracking on/off

    F12                              :                       Dynamic input mode on/off

    Ctrl + P                        :                       Print Drawing

    Ctrl + Tab                    :                       open another drawing tab

    Ctrl + W                       :                       Close file

    Ctrl + A                        :                       Select all Drawings

    Ctrl + S                        :                       Save drawing

    Ctrl + O                        :                       Open Drawing

    Ctrl + Z                        :                       Undo Drawing

    Ctrl + Y                        :                       Repeat Drawing

    Ctrl + 0                        :                       Full Screen Drawing / Hide-Show Tab

    Ctrl + 1                         :                       Property ON/OFF

    Ctrl + 2                         :                       Design Center ON/OFF

    Ctrl + 3                         :                       Tool Palette Window ON/OFF

    Ctrl + 4                         :                       Sheet Manager ON/OFF

    Ctrl + 7                         :                       Markup Manager ON/OFF

    Ctrl + 9                        :                       Command Line box (Hide-Show)

    Ctrl + 8                        :                       Calculator

    Command Line (Keys)

    L                                  :                       Line

    XL                                :                       Infinite length Line

    PL                                :                       Polyline

    POL                             :                       Polygon

    P                                  :                       Pan in Drawing

    REC                              :                       Rectangle

    TB                                :                       Table

    V                                  :                       View Manager

    Z                                  :                       Zoom in (Display ALL)

    MOCORO                    :                       Move / Copy / Rotate /Scale Object

    RAY                             :                       Construction line in one Direction

    SPL                              :                       Spline or smooth Curve

    T                                  :                       Multi line Text

    ED                                :                       Edit Text

    O                                 :                       Offset and object by distance

    ML                               :                       Multiline

    MI                                :                       Mirror an object

    ME                               :                       Measure Input distance and inserted points

    M                                 :                       Move an Object

    C                                  :                       Draw Circle

    BR                                :                       Break a line by Define two points

    EL                                :                       Ellipse Draw

    E                                  :                       Erase a Selection

    BOX                             :                       Draw Box

    BO                               :                       Boundary creation

    3D                                :                       Command line solid 3D points

    A                                  :                       Draw Arc with 3 points


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